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Using a Mantil API

After deploying a Mantil API it will be accessible through its API gateway endpoints.


Using the REST API is simple, use:

mantil invoke <api_name>

to invoke the default method, or:

mantil invoke <api_name>/<method_name>

to invoke a specific method.

Invoke accepts --data option which can be used to send additional data in the request. Data can be either basic type, such as string, or JSON, depending on the parameters of your method.

mantil invoke <api_name>/<method_name> --data <data>

You can also get the endpoint using mantil env -u and invoke it directly, for example:

curl -X POST $(mantil env -u)/<api_name>/<method_name>

In the case of GET request query parameters will be mapped to the parameters of your method with appropriate type conversions. For example, method with following struct as a parameter:

type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
Amount float64

can be invoked with following request:

curl -X GET $(mantil env -u)/<api_name>/<method_name>?name=John&age=25&amount=50.4


Each API can be accessed via WebSocket which is useful for applications that need to update in real time. The WebSocket API can be used in two ways:

  1. Publish/Subscribe - An API can publish messages to a subject. Clients can subscribe to this subject to receive new messages.
  2. Request/Response - This is used for synchronous communication and is equivalent to calling the regular REST endpoint for the API.

For client-side use we provide a JavaScript SDK.

A complete example on how to use the WebSocket API can be found in the chat template.